Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I finally did it!

Today I finally took the leap I have been meaning to for a long time, I took my first private yoga session. I have always loved the idea of being a yogi, I always love a new way to be challenged, but I had tried classes in the past and was discouraged because I felt I could not learn the postures with the quick pace of the class. I took them at Private Yoga with Heidi, she is awesome and I highly recommend taking sessions with her if you have wanted to start doing yoga, but have been discouraged by the fast pace of other classes. Happy Tuesday!

Friday, March 18, 2011

January 6th...oh so long ago!

I am sincerely sorry I just read that I have not posted since January 6th! Goodness gracious where have I been? I have too many goodies saved and piled into my 'post on blog' folder that this is just ridiculous! I hope everyone is enjoying spring so far, I sure am enjoying the extra long days...it means summer is a brewing! About 60 days until summer is upon us (well me that is when I get out of school :) ). I saw this cake on aestheticoutburst I just had to share.

Are you kidding? This is so precious! There are lots of goodies to come this month, I have a backlog of around 50 pictures and links to share and projects galore! I will be taking the 31 day better blog challenge that I will be sharing, and Baybeesteps will be kicking off to end its 4-5 month hiatus. Lots of good stuff, good to be back! 

Happy Friday!